J. O. Coleman

Permission is granted for classroom use of the png figure files in this zip archive PotentialsFigures.zip. (Their content should match that of the versions appearing in the papers - email me if you spot a discrepancy - but there are minor appearance differences.) Available on request: eps, pdf, and fig formats for individual figures. I'd appreciate hearing about any use of this material in teaching.

J. O. Coleman, "Signals and Systems II"

Appearing in IEEE Potentials in the six issues of year 2010.


This six-part series is a mini-course, focused on system concepts, that is aimed at the gap between Signals and Systems and the usual first DSP course.

The six parts

Part I
Signals and their representations
motivation, philosophy, and notation
manuscript, IEEE abstract, IEEE pdf
Part II
Interpolation, decimation, complex signals, and Nyquist signaling
oversampling in D/A conversion and the basics of decimation, complex signals, and Nyquist signaling
manuscript, IEEE abstract, IEEE pdf
Part III
Analytic signals and QAM data transmission
analytic signals and linear data modulation
manuscript, IEEE abstract, IEEE pdf
Part IV
DSP approaches to IQ modulation and demodulation
analog and DSP-based IQ demodulation
manuscript, IEEE abstract, IEEE pdf
Part V
Frequency conversion
frequency conversion and its use in larger systems
manuscript, IEEE abstract, IEEE pdf
Part VI
Vestigial-sideband modulation and nonintegral rate changes
two topics: first, vestigial-sideband modulation as a example system of significant complexity and, second, changing a sample rate by a rational but nonintegral ratio
manuscript, IEEE abstract, IEEE pdf

Last updated November 2010.